Grubrich-Simitis, Ilse:
How Freud wrote and revised his Interpretation of Dreams. Conflicts around the subjective origins of the book of the cent.
In: D. Pick - L. Roper (Hgg.), Dreams and History: the interpretation of dreams from ancient Greece to modern psychoanalysis. -
London - New York, 2004. - S. 23-36
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Eingestellt am: 12. Feb 2020 22:45
Letzte Änderung: 12. Feb 2020 22:06
URL zu dieser Anzeige: https://dreamsofantiquity.ku.de/id/eprint/69900/
Letzte Änderung: 12. Feb 2020 22:06
URL zu dieser Anzeige: https://dreamsofantiquity.ku.de/id/eprint/69900/