Dreams of Antiquity 2.0

Bibliographical Online Database on Dreams and Visions in Antiquity

The online database “Dreams of Antiquity 2.0“ (DoA) pursues the goal of making remotely published literature on a multifaceted subject available for further scholarly research: namely dreams and visions in Greco-Roman antiquity.

It contains a variety of studies on literary texts, comprising dream books like the one of Artemidorus of Daldis, fragments of historians, as well as inscriptions, papyri and the depiction of dreams and visions on various image carriers. DoA also contains titles dealing with material from other cultures (e.g. China, pre-Colombian America, the Islamic World etc.) and titles suited for historical-anthropological analysis. The same holds true for studies on dreams and visions in the Latin and Byzantine Middle Ages, on the Early Modern Age, and the time period reaching up to the present, as well as for psychoanalytical studies and modern sleep research.

A specific search in DoA is enabled by the titles‘ tagging with the help of a differentiated thesaurus, where, for instance, ancient authors can be comined with specifics concerning dreams and visions (nightmare; ruler dream, -vision; celestial phenomenon; incubation; voyage beyond; oracle dream; day residue; dream interpreter; dream terminology; dream theory; waking vision).

The current database consists of over 6.000 monographs, edited volumes, journal articles, dictionary entries and reviews, but does not entail completeness, which is why the database is constantly supplemented and updated. Thereby, titles are also taken into account that deal with other forms of divination (oracles, magic etc.).

Handling a great amount of data naturally also entails the slipping in of various mistakes, despite constant revision. We welcome references to such mistakes, as well as messages containing new or previously uncollected publications (email gregor.weber@philhist.uni-augsburg.de).

Prof. Dr. Gregor Weber
Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte
Universität Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 10
D-86159 Augsburg
Telefon: 0821/598-5642
Telefax: 0821/598-5501
E-Mail: gregor.weber@philhist.uni-augsburg.de

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