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Items where Subject is "Christentum, Oberbegriff"
Number of items at this level: 225. 202320212019-
Wiśniewski, Robert:
Spreading belief in miracles in the late antique West.
In: Mélanges Bernard Flusin / édité par André Binggeli & Vincent Déroche ; avec la collaboration de Michel Stavrou. -
Paris, 2019. - (Travaux et mémoires / Collège de France - CNRS, Centre de Recherche d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance ; 23,1)
ISBN 978-2-916716-67-1
Holy men and charlatans in the ancient novel.
Hrsg.: Panayotakis, Stelios and Schmeling, Gareth L. and Paschalēs, Michaēl
Groningen : Barkhuis & Groningen University Library, 2015. - xii, 211 S.
- (Ancient narrative. Supplementum ; 19)
ISBN 978-94-91431-90-6 ; 94-91431-90-0
Taylor, Jeremy:
The Ambiguity of Privilege.
In: Kelly Bulkeley/Kate Adams/Patricia M. Davis (Hg.), Dreaming in Christianity and Islam. Culture, Conflict and Creativity. -
New Brunswick, N.J./London, 2009. - S. 236-248
Bulkeley, Kelly and Adams, Kate and Davis, Patricia M.:
In: Kelly Bulkeley/Kate Adams/Patricia M. Davis (Hg.), Dreaming in Christianity and Islam. Culture, Conflict and Creativity. -
New Brunswick, N.J./London, 2009. - S. 249-252
Koet, Bart J.:
Discussing Dreams in a Prison in Amsterdam.
In: Kelly Bulkeley/Kate Adams/Patricia M. Davis (Hg.), Dreaming in Christianity and Islam. Culture, Conflict and Creativity. -
New Brunswick, N.J./London, 2009. - S. 226-235
Lewis Strickling, Bonnelle:
Early Christians and Their Dreams.
In: Kelly Bulkeley/Kate Adams/Patricia M. Davis (Hg.), Dreaming in Christianity and Islam. Culture, Conflict and Creativity. -
New Brunswick, N.J./London, 2009. - S. 32-42
Bulkeley, Kelly and Adams, Kate and Davis, Patricia M.:
In: Kelly Bulkeley/Kate Adams/Patricia M. Davis (Hg.), Dreaming in Christianity and Islam. Culture, Conflict and Creativity. -
New Brunswick, N.J./London, 2009. - S. 1-13
Brenk, Frederick E.:
The Sibyl Sing of Vesuvius.
In: I. Chirassi Colombo - T. Seppili (Hgg.), Sibille e linguaggi oraculari. Mito, storia, tradizione. -
Macerata, 1998. - S. 487-501
Bammel, Ernest:
Prophetie und Deutung.
In: Sogni, visioni e profezie nell'antico cristianesimo. Roma, 5 - 7 Maggio 1987. -
Rom, 1989. - S. 601-610. - (XVII incontro di studiosi dell'antichità cristiana ; 29)
Livrea, Enrico and Hurst, André and Reverdin, Olivier and Rudhardt, Jean and Kassel, Rudolf and Cavallo, Guglielmo:
Rez. A. Hurst - O. Reverdin - J. Rudhardt, Visio de Dorothéos, Einl. u. Übers., Appendix mit Beschreibung und Datierung des Codex von R. Kassel - G. Cavallo (Papyrus Bodmer 29), 1984.
In: Gnomon. Bd. 58 (1986).
- S. 687-711.
Ligota, C.:
In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute, London. Bd. 26 (1963).
- S. 179-192
Vogt, Joseph:
Die Constantinische Frage.
In: Relazioni del X Congresso Intern. di Scienze Storiche II: Storia dell'Antichità. -
UNSPECIFIED, 1955. - S. 377-423
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