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Thesaurus Kulturgeschichte > Verfluchung, Defixiones
Anzahl der Einträge auf dieser Ebene: 30.
Ogden, Daniel:
In: Richard Evans (Hrsg.), Prophet and Profits. Ancient Divination and Its Reception. -
London/New York, 2017. - S. 1-15
Dufault, Olivier:
Who wrote Greek curse tablets?
In: Richard Evans (Hrsg.), Prophet and Profits. Ancient Divination and Its Reception. -
London/New York, 2017. - S. 31-49
Ankarloo, Bengt ; Clark, Stuart:
In: V. Flint et al. (Hgg.), Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: Ancient Greece and Rome. -
London, 1999. - S. XI-XVI
Jordan, David R.:
Three Curse Tabletts.
In: ders. et al. (Hgg.), The World of Ancient Magic. -
Bergen, 1999. - S. 115-124
Jordan, D.R.:
Late Feasts for the Gods.
In: R. Hägg (Hg.), Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Epigraphical Evidence. -
Stockholm, 1994. - S. 131-143