Einträge suchen
Einträge mit Jahr 2004
Anzahl der Einträge: 104.
Chaucerian dream visions and complaints.
Hrsg.: Symons, Dana M.
Kalamazoo, Mich. : Medieval Institute Publications, College of Arts & Sciences, Western Michigan University, 2004. - vii, 293 S.
- (Middle English texts series)
ISBN 1-58044-087-8
Brillante, Carlo:
Il sogno di Epimenide.
In: Quaderni Urbinati di cultura classica / Università di Urbino, Istituto di Filologia Classica. Bd. 106 (2004).
- S. 11-39
ISSN 0033-4987
RezensionAufsatz in einem Buch-
Bachorski, Hans-Jürgen:
Interpreting dreams in medieval literature.
In: D. Pick - L. Roper (Hgg.), Dreams and History: the interpretation of dreams from ancient Greece to modern psychoanalysis. -
London - New York, 2004. - S. 57-90
Crawford, Patricia:
Women's dreams in early modern England.
In: D. Pick - L. Roper (Hgg.), Dreams and History: the interpretation of dreams from ancient Greece to modern psychoanalysis. -
London - New York, 2004. - S. 91-103
O'Shaughnessy, Edna:
A dream to dream.
In: D. Pick - L. Roper (Hgg.), Dreams and History: the interpretation of dreams from ancient Greece to modern psychoanalysis. -
London - York, 2004. - S. 247-253
Overbeck, Mechtild ; Overbeck, Bernhard:
Schatzsuche in Philosophie und Volksglaube im Römischen Reich.
In: R. Cunz (Hg.), Fundamenta Historiae. Geschichte im Spiegel der Numismatik und ihrer Nachbarwissenschaften. Festschrift für N. Klüßendorf zum 60. Geburtstag am 10. Februar 2004. -
Neustadt a.d. Aisch, 2004. - S. 67-73
Perkins, Maureen:
The meaning of dreams books.
In: D. Pick - L. Roper (Hgg.), Dreams and History: the interpretation of dreams from ancient Greece to modern psychoanalysis. -
London - New York, 2004. - S. 125-135
Pick, Daniel ; Roper, Lyndal:
In: D. Pick - L. Roper (Hgg.), Dreams and History: the interpretation of dreams from ancient Greece to modern psychoanalysis. -
London - New York, 2004. - S. 1-21
Pick, Daniel ; Roper, Lyndal:
Psychoanalysis, dreams, history.
In: D. Pick - L. Roper (Hgg.), Dreams and History: the interpretation of dreams from ancient Greece to modern psychoanalysis. -
London - New York, 2004. - S. 327-356
Ruvoldt, Maria:
The Dream of Raphael.
In: Maria Ruvoldt (Hg.): The Italian Renaissance Imagery of Inspiration. Metaphors of Sex, Sleep, and Dreams. -
Cambridge, 2004. - S. 122-140
Wigzell, Faith:
The dreambook in Russia.
In: D. Pick - L. Roper (Hgg.), Dreams and History: the interpretation of dreams from ancient Greece to modern psychoanalysis. -
London - New York, 2004. - S. 179-197